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Miles & Miles

Miles&Miles, a renowned supplier of travel services in London, responded to the increasing desire for luxury car rentals in London, with the creation of a mobile application for the effortless and convenient rental of opulent cars delivered to customers' homes. The main aim is to elevate the user experience (UX) for individuals seeking to access Miles&Miles' top-tier services while on the move.

Jaguar and text for Miles&Miles website

Business Research

Evaluate existing data on luxury car rental demand in London and customer preferences, noting alignment with information available on the Miles&Miles website.


User Journey Mapping

To understand better how the process of hiring a Miles&Miles car I started by recreating a website user journey and only then adapted it to follow mobile applications best practices, as the way users interact with the interfaces has major differences.

car app user journey map
Style guide for car app


Style Guide

This stage involved developing a style guide in branding with the website. These sets of design principles and visual elements are so important for maintaining consistency, efficiency, and brand identity, as well as empowering users with clear guidance on how to interact with the product. 


User Interface design

At this stage, I created rough sketches to outline the basic layout, colour, and structure of a digital product. These initial drawings serve as a foundation for developing more detailed prototypes.

car app showreel in a gif

The prototype


It is important to note that not all steps of the design process were followed, as this was a one-day bootcamp project with limited access to resources. Personally, I believe that usability testing, A/B testing, and, most importantly, analysis of analytics are crucial for the development of a well-rounded project. Besides, this is just a summary of the project - for more information feel free to contact me.

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